This weekend

Here er nogle billeder fra Danmark. I må undskylde at kvaliteten ikke er den bedste, men jeg havde kun min mobil. Vi har nogle af mine forældres venner på besøg til aftensmad, så jeg har desværre ikke mere tid til at skrive… Bye guys! 
Translation: Here is some pictures from Denmark. I’m sorry the quality isn’t the best, I only had my phone. We have some of my parents friends for dinner tonight, so I don’t have more time to write… Bye guys!

Headed for Denmark

Jeg tager til Danmark her i weekenden, for at se mine venner og familie.. Men jeg kommer tilbage igen til påske. I påsken rejser jeg til Mallorca og Danmark. Den her gang har jeg to ugers ferie, hvor jeg i Danmark havde jeg kun en. Fabulous! 
Translation: I’m going to Denmark just for the weekend, to see my friends and my family.. But i’m coming back again for spring break. In the spring break I’ll go to Mallorca and Denmark. This time I have two weeks vacation, where in Denmark I only had one. Fabulous!   

Det her var fra sidst jeg var på Mallorca. De laver så meget god og lækkert mad! Min yndlings vil nok være salaten med tun(billedet ovenover). Jeg kunne fortsætte med at poste billeder, jeg har så mange.. Men her er nogle af dem, enjoy 😉
Translation: This was from Mallorca, last time I was there.. They make so much good and delicious food! My favorite, is the salad with the tuna(the pic above). I could keep posting pictures, I have so many.. So here is some of them, enjoy 😉 

Healthy hair

Here are a few steps to get healthier hair..
1. Change your hair wash routine. 
If you wash your hair everyday, you will wash out all your hairs natural oils which your scalp produce to keep your hair shiny and healthy. Try to wash your hair every third day. I know it’s hard, but trust me girls your hair will love you for it! Use a hair mask once a week to give it extra shine and softness. I know Pantene has really good hair mask, which make your hair so soft! Also never wash your hair in hot water, it can lead to split ends and frizz. I’m not saying you have to take a cold shower, but just a bit colder than usually. 
2. Handle your hair gently.
After washing your hair, pat it gently dry with your towel instead of wringing it out. You ruin its shape and fibers if you wring it. Use a wide-toothed comp instead of your brush. You will just end up breaking your hair with a brush. 
3.Give your hair a break from the heat.   
I tried to wash my hair in the evening, so it could air dry over the night. It was quite nice that I didn’t have to wake up early in the morning to wash it… But my hair got wavy. I think I did it for a week or two, but then I just couldn’t do it anymore and started to use my blow-dryer. I started to use a heat protector spay from Got2be before I blow-dried my hair. It helped a lot! 
Oh well.. I can’t let my hair keep growing. It’s quite long now, and I need a haircut. If you don’t get your split ends cut off, it will get worse. It’s sad to hear, but it’s true 🙁 The problem is, I just don’t know how it should look like.. I want to try something new. 

Boyfriend jeans

Endelig fik jeg et par boyfriend jeans. Har været lidt i tvivl om jeg skulle købe dem, da de sidder løst.. Men nu købte jeg dem alligevel, og det er noget af det bedste jeg har gjordt. De er så behagelig at have på, og jeg synes de ser så fede ud med hullerne. Min mor kan tilgængæld ikke forstå hvorfor bruge så mange penge på bukser med huller i, men det er jo hele ideen med boyfriend looket, eller det synes jeg ihvertfald. Du kan købe dem her!
Finally I bought a pair of boyfriend jeans. I haven’t been sure if I should buy them as they are a bit loose… But I bought them anyway, and I’m so glad that I did. They are so comfortable to wear, and I  love the ripped look. My mum doesn’t really understand why I want to use so much money on jeans with holes, but that’s the whole idea of the boyfriend look… or that’s what I think. You can buy them here!